Pinhole Camera
[Jul 17, 2011; Photography]

No lens, just a pierced cap on the camera body. The pictures were taken on the Spicheren heights close to Saarbrücken. These were hotspots during both world wars, leaving behind many memorials, bunkers and even a tank. So it seemed like a good place to take pictures with such an old style "lens". (And yes, it also has nice bike trails.)

Taking pictures with this setup turned out to be quite complicated. Exposure easily went up to 2 seconds in the forest, even at 1600 ISO. Taking sharper pictures would require even longer exposure. Also stray light proofed to be a big issue on sunny patches. I had to use my body and hands to shield the camera hole as good as possible from unwanted light.

Due to the small sensor size the camera had quite a telephoto, which is a bad thing in the forest and made it hard to find a spot with a clean view. I was actually unable to get any decent picture of a bunker. They are sunk deep into the landscape and surrounded by trees. Add lack of colors and they become almost invisible to the eye of the pinhole camera.
